We're getting a passport, for my little guy! I love to travel, and since
passports are at least a month long process we better get started now.
This is just one more learning experience for me. Did you know that you have to go to a special photographer to get infant pictures? I'm sure that you could use one of the other places, but it could delay your application if the photo gets rejected. I was recommended a photography studio to go to, although they charge $20! But they have a reputation of not having pictures returned. They have the ability to take a picture of a child lying down, which is convenient when they are still learning to sit.
Infant passports only last for 3 years, but if you get pictures done under 1 year of age...you do receive one update for free before the 3 years. This is all for the Canadian passport...now I have to figure out how to apply for a British passport. Lucky baby! His mom's a dual citizen.