Are you extra cautious about everything now? Last night we went on a roadtrip to visit the grandparents. Admittedly, the roads were atrocious. But we heard the weather was going to get worse before it got better.
So we loaded up the truck with mom, dad, baby, and dog. Along with bags for all of us, as well as food and gear for baby and dog. Actually, just getting going was an adventure. But we finally hit the road, and we hit some bad spots along the way (fog, snow and ice), along with copious amounts of semitrailer trucks. And all I could think about was the terrible things that could happen.
But I'm a strong believer in
Laws of Attraction
, so this didn't sit well with me. So I would try and think of positive things. And as I was drifting off to sleep (don't worry I wasn't driving!!). Those pesky bad thoughts would creep back in. That's when I remembered, that now that I am a parent, I get to spend the rest of my life worrying about my little guy. That it is actually my job to worry about his well being until he can do it for himself. And then...I probably won't stop. Have you come up with an ways to reduce the worrying?
It is hard to stop worrying about our babies. I find that it's hard to stop those worrisome thoughts, so I try to focus on the positive things that are happening with baby! Hope this helps.