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Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guest blogging again!

I'm excited about guest blogging again! I had been guest blogging on www.okanagan4kids.com, but things have been put on hold while they revamp and rebrand their website. And it looks like they are ready to go again.

My little one has grown so much, especially in the last few months, that we are facing a whole different list of adventures. I'm back at work, and that holds a different perspective on life than before. So I hope I have some interesting new things to share.

Looking forward to sharing more with you! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Pear Tree is Sharing the Love

I've discovered this new website "The Pear Tree"...and I'm quite enjoying it! They are all about showcasing all that is beautiful in the Okanagan. Right now they are having a contest giving away a cookbook Prairie Feast: A Writer’s Journey Home for Dinner, by Amy Jo Ehman. Enter to win by telling them about your favorite locally sourced food (local to you!). If you would like to enter here is the link, tell them The Mellow Mama sent you! http://thepeartree.ca/2011/02/sharing-the-love/

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thank Goodness for Book Clubs

I was an avid reader when I was young.  Then university, life, and adventure happened...and somehow I got away from reading books.  I read magazines, text books, and with the explosion of the internet - online material.  Then a couple of years ago, a friend started a book club which I joined. It started off slow and I was reading one book every two months (I can't believe that as a child I used to read upwards of 10 books a week!). But even if I hadn't read the book for that week, I would attend Book Club.  I found that many of the conversations about the books, also addressed common concerns or issues in life and I was still able to contribute.  I'm so glad that I joined, and even with a new child I am pretty much able to keep up with the reading list.  It is great to spend an evening with the other ladies and expand my horizons even more, by reading books that I would not normally choose myself. Book Clubs have definately become more popular of late.  A local online magazine, The Pear Tree,  is profiling book clubs...maybe they will profile ours?!