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Showing posts with label Money Talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money Talks. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A New View on Money

Boy have my buying habits changed! Ever since I had my little one, it’s changed the way I look at spending money. I suppose part of it was out of necessity, and part of it was my way of contributing back to the household with a reduced income. A few months after having the baby I did dabble in some extreme couponing (or as extreme as you can in Canada...it’s nowhere near as exciting as couponing in the States!). It certainly didn’t help that all of a sudden the big baby companies started sending me free samples and coupons, something that I didn’t even know existed. And then when I discovered that free samples are available for all sorts of items, more than just baby products, all hell broke loose.

My coupon obsession started one day when I took my coupons to a drugstore to purchase some laundry detergent. I was pretty excited, my coupons were of a rather large value and the detergent was on sale. And when I went to pay for it, they told me it was double coupon day! Oh my goodness, what luck! Again, I didn’t even know this sort of thing existed. Being very excited about my big score, I told everyone how I purchased detergent for 97 cents a jug...and then I found out that another drug store allows you to stack coupons! Woo hoo! (In case you weren’t aware, stacking coupons is where you are allowed to use multiple coupons on an item.) Between that and price matching, why shop anywhere else! But it all does take time, organization, and research. Luckily for me, once I was stocked up I started losing interest as I didn’t have anything I needed to purchase. And I think Extreme Couponing can be a slippery slope to Hoarding!

So then, one day I wanted an item that wasn’t available locally. In my search for it, I found a used one online, and I thought I would try and purchase it. Buying used was something that my husband and I had never really done before (garage sales and occasionally at consignment shops were the extent of it), and my husband wasn’t hugely supportive. He thought it was weird! But I was careful, and I purchased several used items through online marketplaces. When he saw the quality of what I had purchased, the price I had paid, and the amount I had saved...he was sold too! I know I have him converted when he asks me to lookout for a particular product he would like, and to see if I can get it cheaper used. There are new online marketplaces are popping up everywhere, even a slew of groups on Facebook dedicated to just this thing.

Now with the limitation on time and mobility, I find that I purchase much more online than before. It’s much easier to order something straight to my door than to try and drive all over town looking for it. At the least, I pre-shop online to get the best deal. And big companies are recognizing that mom’s buying habits change after having kids, and are capitalizing on this by having Mommy Bloggers sample and review their products. Oh yeah, I’m a mommy blogger too www.themellowmama.com.

This latest blog can be seen on www.okanagan4kids.com.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Getting Venture Capital...the new way!

Have you got an amazing idea?  But no funds to produce it?  Why not use the internet and hope your idea goes viral?!  http://www.kickstarter.com/ is a great sight for raising capital.  You do need to provide your backers with something, either a prototype, limited edition, or in some cases a mention in the credits.  My favorite is the Capture Camera Clip System.  Peter is currently being funded with over 2180% of his goal...that means his goal was to raise $10,000 and currently he sits at $218,000 raised.

Check this site out and see what the power of many can do!  I better get mine before it's too late!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Garage Sales

One man's garbage is another man's treasure. 

Wow, there were a lot of garage sales and flea markets in town on Saturday!  The sun was out, and so were the shoppers.  I went to two BIG ones, and they were great.  The first was the annual Baby Flea Market, got some great deals on a stroller, shoes, an easel and my big weakness a mini diaper clutch (like a diaper bag but smaller).

The second was the Kettle Valley Neighbourhood Garage Sale...everyone in the neighbourhood had garage sales going.  And the people were out for a deal!  I managed to get some beautiful bar stools for our new house (the old ones are a little short and we look awkward sitting on them). 

There is a lot to be said for shopping at flea markets and garage sales.  I think shows like American Picker brings a sort of mystique about this type of shopping, but most of us aren't looking for a treasure just looking for items that we need or could use that cost us a fraction of the original price. 

Now I just need a garage sale to get rid of all my old stuff!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Allergy Season is here.

Photo : allergyremediesblog.com

Oh my, I have a tough time with those allergies.  They vary in severity every year, but I sure hate the foggy feeling allergies give me.  I've been given advice that it is best to take antihistamines on a regular basis to help you body build up a resistance to the histamines in your body.  But boy are those things expensive!

Below are several coupons for Reactine Products.  Remember that at London Drugs you can stack multiple coupons and use competitor coupons.

Follow these links for your free coupons:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tips N Tricks Thursdays...Spring is here, time to head into the garden.

FrugalistaI have long heard about all these cool, tried and true tricks to solving everyday household issues wiht every day products around the house(they seem to work better than the latest spray, device, or gadget "as seen on tv").  I picked up some cool budget garden tricks from The Frugalista on CBC Ottawa.  Find out what you can do with table salt, coffee grounds, egg shells, vinegar or plastic forks to help you with your garden this year. 

The Frugalista doesn't just offer hints on gardening, but all types of money saving ideas.  From travel tips (I have a few of my own to contribute in this area), to saving on bank fees, to making your own cleaning supplies.  Check it out!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Swap n Shop

A friend of mine organized a Swap n Shop. A great way for the ladies to get rid of some of their old clothes and pick up some new ones. Actually, I loved watching the girls who were most excited about shopping, they were the ones who were there selling their old clothes. And the proceeds from the table rentals went to a local charity.

In a day and age of; reduce, reuse, recycle.  This is a great way to reuse!  And you can get some pretty cool deals at a fraction of the cost.  Being on maternity leave, I had enough fortitude to restrain myself a little on the fashion purchases.  But I couldn't resist this cute little ring for $5. 

Now I'm saving my pennies so that I can score big at the Baby Flea Market in Kelowna on May 6th!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Minimum Wage on the rise in BC...to $10.25/hr. Premiere Christy Clarke don't do it!

Minimum wage is on the rise, but who does it benefit? 

I have a strong opinion on raising minimum wage...DON'T!  After so many years, and tonnes of case studies, why does the provincial government continue to insist that a legislated increase in  minimum wage is necessary?  Oh wait they don't, but they want votes!

Here are a few of the pros and cons as I see it:

-Minimum wage employees will now make $10.25/hr, meaning they will make $23, 210 per year if they work a 40 hour work week.  (Please note that most mimimum wage employees don't work 40 hour work weeks.)

-All businesses that rely on minimum wage employees will have to increase their prices to make up the wage increase.  A short (but not all inclusive list) of such businesses are:  restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations, retail shops.  That means that $8 movie, will now be $10.25.  Same goes for that $8 burger!

-Only new employees will make the $10.25, anyone who makes more than that won't receive a raise.  So when that burger goes up to $10.25/hr, they will have less spending power with their money. 

-Some of those businesses who rely on minimum wage employees, won't be able to weather the increase in costs.  So they will go out of business, so that means their employees will make $0 per hour, since they won't have jobs. 

-We have just seen a perfect storm in the restaurant industry in BC.  Adding HST, lowering the legal drinking limit, and a bad economy.  Increasing minimum wage looks like another nail in the restaurant coffin.

-During an economic boom (as we previously had), we know that businesses paid more than minimum wage.  So doesn't it stand to reason that the best way to increase minimum wage is to boost the economy.

-We all know that the best way to boost the economy is to increase spending.  But if we reduce spending power of money, this slows the economy down.  Hmmmm...so how do we increase minimum wage again?

I do believe that people should make more money, but that the best way to increase wages is through a strong and vibrant economy, not through government legislation. I'm so disappointed in our new premiere, that didn't take her very long.  At least it's really clear on how I will now vote.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Money Class: I Guess the Rules have Changed

The Money Class: Learn to Create Your New American Dream
I guess some of the finance rules have changed.  Suze Orman has written a new book, The Money Class.  One of the big changes is that she now says that it is okay to rent, where her previous advice was to make sure you buy a home as property was the best investment you could make.

Now keep in mind that most of her advice is for Americans, who are in a different set of economic circumstances than Canadians.  But I do like her Top 4 Financial Tips.

1. Live below your means, but within your needs.
-If you can afford to buy a $800,000 house, then buy a $550, 000 house.  You don't need to always have the best of everything.

2. The pleasure of saving should =equal= the pleasure of spending.
-This is a new mindset that people need to get into.  Not everyone feels this way, but it is much more sustainable.  No more retail therapy, now we need saving therapy.  Can you get the same joy out of purchasing an RSP as you do a car?

3. If you are underwater in your house-->keep plugging away to pay it off.
-Now this is more applicable to Americans, but it is happening right now on a smaller scale in Canada.  Basically she is saying that even if your house is worth less than you paid for it, this is where you live and you need a roof over your head.   Keep plugging away at your mortgage payments because you will eventually build equity.

4. Focus on what will be gained, not lost.
-Don't focus on the spa visits you can't have, the new car you can't buy, and the latest fashions you won't be able to get.  Rather, focus on your increased savings and your peace of mind of not having financial burdens.

In a hot economy, it was easy to get caught up in the spending mentality...but now things have to change.  Being fiscally conservative wins the race!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Coupons, coupons, everywhere!

Maybe I have too much time on my hands (but I think not), maybe it is because I have to purchase copious amounts of disposable products for my baby, or maybe it's my way of contributing to the household since I am on maternity leave.  But I have started becoming quite good at the coupon game. I don't bother with small coupons, but $2, $3, and $5 definately interest me.  A few weeks ago I ordered Tide coupons off PG Brandsaver, I have also used Websaver.  They entitled me to $5 off any two Tide products, I kept my eye on flyers and saw a special at Pharmasave at $5.99 a jug.  So I headed down with my coupon, I picked up my two jugs and headed to the checkout where I discovered that it was Double Coupon Day! That means I picked up laundry soap that was normally on sale $11.98 for two jugs, for only $1.98 plus tax! Yay!! 

And an extra bonus!  I found out that London Drugs allows you to stack coupons.  As long as they are different types of coupons, they will let you use them both.  Bonus savings!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Census Time Again!

2011 is once again census time in Canada. This is a huge undertaking and requires over 38,000 temporary employees across Canada. The information gathered from the census is used to make decisions for your community and country. Businesses also often look at the information gathered to make educated business decisions. If you are looking for some temporary work, here is a great opportunity. More information is available at http://www.census2011.gc.ca/ccr04/ccr04_000a-eng.htm.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Are you Twongo/Groupon addicted?

I am!  The first few times, I got a little excited.  But now I am recognizing what is a good deal.  It’s amazing what kind of deals you can get through these sites.  I thought these sites had only been around for a little bit.  And while locally it is relatively new, Groupon was originally launched in Nov 2008, and is now valued at over $1.35B…why didn’t I think of it!   Groupon has been so successful it is now in over 200 cities. If you haven’t signed up yet,  it only takes minutes and they will email you the daily deal. Personally, I prefer Twongo, I’ve found the deals better – I think they know the area better.  Let me refer you, and we’ll both get $5 credits with their websites.  Go here for Twongo and here for  Groupon.