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Showing posts with label On the Horizon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label On the Horizon. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2011

When one door closes...another always opens.

I have come to the end of my maternity leave, now what to do?  I unfortunately was downsized a few months prior to having my baby.  While it was wondeful to have the luxury of just worrying about being pregnant, the return to work issue takes on a whole new challenge.  It's one thing to try and juggle a new addition to the family while returning to a job that you know well, it's another to try and find & start a new job. 

When starting a new job, you don't have the flexibility of being able to negotiate different working conditions (ie.  part-time, flex hours, or working from home).  You also tend to have to put more time in to learn your new job...and time is precious when you have a new family.  BUT...I do now have the opportunity of doing something I love, taking on new challenges, and totally recreating my work conditions.  However, when the world is your oyster...which pearl should I take?

About 10 years ago, I had returned to University to complete my degree.  And being an "older" or more "mellow" student, I had the luxury of being a little wiser than my original trip through post-secondary education.  I do remember saying to my fellow (and younger) classmates to "do what you love, because you will be good at it, and the money will follow".  So now it is the occasion to follow my own advice...let's see if I can make a go of it!

This blog post can be seen on Okanagan4Kids.  Follow The Mellow Mama as she shares her journey and passions through life. You can see her complete blog at www.themellowmama.com or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Monday, May 30, 2011

From Whining to Winning...

I thought I would forward some information about a great event coming up:

Do you have what it takes to be a writer in today's world?  Join award winning author Gordon Kirkland, one of Canada's more successful writers, for a night of wine and writer's wisdom.

Being a writer is not an easy task.  Gone are the days when all you had to do was submit an idea and agents and publishers would fall over themselves trying to sign you up.  Today, getting published in any genre is an arduous task. Whether you are a fiction writer, humour writer, non-fiction writer, columnist, or poet, Kirkland will take you down the path from whining to winning in this three hour seminar.

The event will be held at the Beaumont Winery on Boucherie Road in West Kelowna on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011.  The evening starts at 6:30 pm with wine tasting and a sampling of organic cheeses from Gort's Gouda. The seminar begins at 7:00 pm with a mid-evening break for more wine tasting and cheese sampling. The evening ends with a reading from Kirkland's latest book "Crossbow" and a meet and greet with the author. During this time you can ask questions and learn from someone who has been there, done that, and come out the other end with a modicum of sanity and a few Stephen Leacock awards.

Gordon will be giving away a set of seven books as a door prize, as well as two bottles of Beaumont Winery Rose.

Learn how to survive life as a writer in the 21st century.  Tickets are $25 and available at the Beaumont Winery, Dragon's Lair Tea Shop in the Vintage View Mall and online at http://www.artisticwarrior.com/.  There are only 40 seats available so book yours today.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Babies in Bloom


The biggest Baby Fair in the Okanagan is happening this weekend.  Does this mean that spring is here?  You betcha! 

It's on this Saturday and Sunday at the Okanagan College Center of Learning.

I just checked out the website and it looks like there are some interesting exhibitors and guest speakers. I've also been told that I have to learn about "Bobs and Lolo".  Looks like I'll be able to find out soon, they are performing on Sunday.

Should be fun, see you there!