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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Easter Eggstravaganza

My first attempt at an Infographic...for the Easter Eggstravaganza! Open to JCI Okanagan members (and space permitting their friends and family)! http://www.facebook.com/events/500449733348078/

Monday, February 11, 2013

Global Citizen Week Feb 16- March 3, 2013.

The theme for this year's Global Citizen Kelowna is "1.4 BILLION Reasons and Can't Ain't One".

Global Citizen Week is coming up Feb 16th - March 3rd, 2013 in Kelowna.  This is a great opportunity to find out about some of our local organizations who help eradicate poverty in the world. And it turns out this is also a great time to introduce your child to the responsibilities of being a Global Citizen.

I knew there were some great adult focused events like the Speaker Series with Taylor Conroy on Feb 20th or the Global Music Fest on Mar 1 & 2 (March 3rd Global Music Fest is open to the family!).  And on Feb 28th find out how local students would help the world at the Millennium Development Challenge.

But did you know about all the great events geared for children?  Give them a taste of some of the different types of ethnic foods at Taste of Home on Feb 23rd.  Or expose your children to art, at An Artist's Eye on the World on Mar 2nd.  Show them how people live in some of the villages around the world in a simulated slum at the Global Children's Villages on Feb 16th.  There is even a Global School House being offered to Grade 6 students, so that they can experience going to school in a third world country.

Our world is getting smaller every day, help your child have a greater awareness of the challenges children face around the world and how they can get involved!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas is here!

I can’t believe Christmas is in less than a month!  I’m not a big fan of starting Christmas preparations early, but with a toddler, I need all the time I can get! This year we are making our own advent calendar.  It was actually quite simple.  I purchased 24 wedding favor boxes, I added numbers to them, and  then I hung them on a mini Christmas tree.  Each little box will contain either a chocolate or little gift. And I might even include little festive event ideas, for us to do!  Here are some other great ideas for Advent Calendars, with a free printable pdf of “event ideas” from www.thepetitcadeau.blogspot.ca  when you sign up for her newsletter.

I am also always looking for cool Christmas events to attend. Here is one I just heard about, The 3rd Annual Gingerbread House event.  It is on Dec 16th this year at the Parkinson Rec Center, and not only can you attend but you can also enter!  Check out all the beautiful Gingerbread Houses and help raise money for a good cause, the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs Cool Moves Program .  Details are available at www.gingerbreadcompetition.ca.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

They will be what they will be!

As we venture into the terrible twos...we all know that they are so terrible, simply because they want to assert their independence. And the battles keep changing, so we have to learn to keep up! 

First, my son did not want to have his diaper changed. We discovered that if we put them lower within his reach, he could decide if he wanted to be changed or not.  

Then he decided he wanted to choose his own clothes...does it really matter if he wants to wear that sill hat with those rubber boots?

But now we are facing the - not wanting to sleep in his own bed challenge. And the only advice I have been given and that I can share is...consistency is key.  I'll let you know how that works for us!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Four Gift Rule

I can't believe that we have only just packed up Halloween, and everyone is already thinking of Christmas.  I found this back in the spring, and have held onto it until the Christmas season to share with everyone.  I think the words are so wise, because gift giving can get really out of hand if we aren't careful.  Please feel free to share!

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